Dr Rouhollah Fathi Wins 2022 Dayong Gao Young Investigator Award

Dr Rouhollah Fathi, an academic staff of Royan Institute, has been selected as the recipient of Society for Cryobiology's prestigious Dayong Gao Young Investigator Award 2022. This Award is an honor given to young investigators in Cryobiology areas. Dr Fathi, the associated professor of Embryology Department of Royan Institute for Reproductive Biomedicine, won the prize for his research activities on oocyte cryobiology and ovary tissue engineering. The 4th Dayong Gao Young Investigator Award Ceremony will be held on July 2022, in Dublin, Ireland. The previous prizes went to researchers from Brazil, Pakistan, and Portugal from 2019 to 2021. Cryobiology field comprises the study of any biological material or system subjected to any temperature below their normal range. The ability to store cells in 'suspended animation' outside the body has become a keystone practice in the development of many modern clinical infertility therapies. Cryobiology is the core of fertility cryopreservation. The principal application for human fertility cryopreservation began with sperm freezing, and then developed to include embryo and oocyte as well as gonadal cryopreservation. Royan Institute uses the latest cryopreservation techniques to store the biological samples.
Publish date: 2022/06/29